What is this?

This is a collection of notes on computational neuroscience. It is intended for computer science students; this is, it assumes knowledge of mathematics and programming, but not of neuroscience nor biology. In consequence, I will sometimes explain the meaning of concepts that a neuroscience student would find elementary---such as membrane potential or ion channel---. However, I will provide little to no explanation on concepts such as Euler's method nor the code that I provide.

I do this because most computational neuroscience books assume a strong background in neuroscience, and more resources should exist for non-neuroscience majors to approach the topic.

Neuronal dynamics

Non-NMDA Synapses

The following model was found to suit the experimental data appropriately.

$$ \begin{align} \Delta V_m^{\text{non-NMDA}} = w ~ t\exp(\frac{-t}{t^{\text{peak}}}) \end{align} $$

Here, $w$ modulates the efficiency of the synapses and $t^{\text{peak}}$ the time of the peak in the signal. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials simply contain a negative efficiency parameter $w$.

A quick Julia implementation.

function ΔVₘ(w::Number, t::Number, peak::Number)
    """Non-NMDA neuron EPSP and IPSP basic model. 
    Observe that ΔVₘ measures change and hence its output is 
    a relative PSP. (Relative to the membrane potential of the 
    postsynaptic neuron at the moment the excitatory signal is 

    The time required for such signal to be received (neurotransmitter
    liberation, difussion of neurotransmitters, opening of the ion gates)
    is not included in the model.
    w * t * exp(-t/peak)

Using this function in Julia we can generate synthetic signals. For example, simulating an EPSP with $w = 1, t^{\text{peak}} = 3$, and an IPSP with $w = -2, t^{\text{peak}} = 1$, we obtain:

NMDA Synapses

NMDA synapses are excitatory synapses. Their rise time is $\approx 10$ times slower than non-NMDA synapses. They are voltage dependent as well. A function used to model the time and voltage dependence of EPSP for NMDA synapses is

$$ \begin{align*} ΔV_m^{\text{NMDA}} = c(V_m)\exp(-\frac{t}{\tau_1}) - \exp(-\frac{t}{\tau_2}) .\end{align*} $$

Here, $\tau_1, \tau_2$ are time scale parameters, and $c(V_m)$ is an amplitude dependent on the membrane potential at the time of the stimulation.

It is important to remember that the NMDA ion channels are opened only after postsynaptic neurons have been excited; this is, after the membrane potential was increased by other ion channels. The reason is that NMDA channels in resting state are blocked by magnesium ions ($\text{MG}^{2\text{+}}$), which are to be removed before sodium ($\text{Na}^{\text{+}}$) and calcium ($\text{Ca}^{2\text{+}}$) can enter the neuron through them. This will be important in future considerations.

The Hodgkin-Huxley model

Outline of the model

The Hodgkin-Huxley model is a set of equations that provide a mathematical description of action potentials at the single-neuron level. The picture they depict is rather complete, in the sense that they describe the ion flow through the membrane, the conductance of the ion channels, the membrane potential, and the relationships among the three. It is through the establishment of these mathematical relations that the model provides a satisfying abstraction of how action potentials are initiated and propagated at the single-neuron level.

A quicky review of the minimal mechanisms

At least two types of voltage-dependent ion channels are required to evoke an action potential in a neuron. Sodium channels open up in response to an increase of the membrane potential —for example, due to the opening of neurotransmitter-gated ion channels and subsequent depolarization—. The influx of $\text{Na}^{\text{+}}$, due to the lower concentration of this ion in the interior of the cell, brings the membrane closer to the sodium resting potential of $\approx +65 \text{mV}$. This is the mechanism behind the rising phase of the action potential. This rise in membrane potential provokes two separate but simultaneous phenomena, both occurring about $1 \text{ms}$ after the opening of the sodium channels:

  • $i.$ A protein blocks the sodium channels, stopping the influx of this ion;
  • $ii.$ voltage-dependent potassium channels open, and a subsequent efflux of $K^{+}$ drives the membrane potential towards its related potassium resting potential, $\approx -80 \text{mV}$.

The resulting hyperpolarization causes both voltage-dependent channels to close, which restores the neuron to its resting state.

Note. I omitted the important role of ion pumps, leakage.

Hodgkin-Huxley equations

Let $E_{\text{ion}}$ be the equilibrium potential of a certain ion, $I_{\text{ion}}$ the net flow of a certain ion across the membrane, and $g_{\text{ion}}$ the conductance of a certain ion. Then

$$ \begin{align*} I_{\text{ion}} = g_{\text{ion}}(V - E_{\text{ion}}) .\end{align*} $$

This equation is fairly easy to comprehend. Now, with $n$ the activation of the potassium channel, $m$ the activation of the sodium channel, and $h$ the inactivation of the sodium channel, the conductance of the channels is described by

$$ g_k = g^{\max}_{K} n^4 $$

$$ g_{\text{Na}} = g^{\max}_{\text{Na}} m^3 h $$

where $g^{\max}_{\text{ion}}$ is the maximum conductance. Here, $n, m, h$ are modulation factors around maximum conductances. The dynamics of these conductances are given by the differential equation

$$ \begin{align*} \frac{dx}{dt} = -\frac{1}{\tau_x(V)}(x - x_0(V)) .\end{align*} $$

where $x$ can be substituted by $n, m$ or $h$. I will not explain in detail right now the functional relation of $\tau_x$ and $x_0$ with $V$.

Now, we move towards a description of the general dynamics of the membrane potential with respect to all previous factors. A preliminary —and rather conceptual step— is to conceive the neuron as a capacitor —in simplified terms, as something that can store an electric charge. We wish to describe the change $\frac{dq}{dt}$ across time, where $q$ is the charge held. But the cause of charge variation is the current flow through the ion channels, which produces depolarization and hyperpolarization. Then $\frac{dq}{dt} = I$, the net (total) ion flow.

For any capacitor, we know $q = CV$. It follows $\frac{dq}{dt} = C \frac{dV}{dt} = I_c$ is the capacitive current. But, according to Kirchoff's law,

$$ \begin{align*} I_c + I_\text{K} + I_{\text{Na}} + I_{\text{L}} = 0 .\end{align*} $$

From this follows

$$ \begin{align*} C \frac{dV}{dt} = - \sum_{\text{ion}} I_{\text{ion}} ~ + I(t) .\end{align*} $$

where $I(t)$ describes external currents not accounted for the sodium, potassium or leakage channels (for example, such as neurotransmitter-gated channels). This is the Voltage equation, and it is a beautiful description of the natural change in voltage across time in terms of all the factors we have discussed before.

Notation summary

$$ \begin{align*} &V : \text{Voltage, membrane potential} \newline &I_{\text{ion}} : \text{Ion flow across membrane} \newline &g_{\text{ion}} : \text{Conductance of ion} \newline &E_{\text{ion}} : \text{Equilibrium potential of ion} \newline &C : \text{Capacitance of the neuron, understood as a capacitor} \newline &q : \text{Charge of the neuron, understood as a capacitor} \newline \end{align*} $$

One does well in remembering that for a capacitor we have $C = \frac{q}{V}$.

Simulating action potentials with Hodgkin-Huxley's model

We can implement the model we described above in Julia. For numeric integration of the partial differential equations that describe the dynamics of the conductances, we use Euler's method. One must simply observe that with

$$ \begin{align*} \frac{dx}{dt} = -\frac{1}{\tau_x(V)}(x - x_0(V)) .\end{align*} $$

one arrives at the discretized form

$$ \begin{align*} x(t + \Delta t) &= x(t) + \Delta t \Big( -\frac{1}{\tau_x} (x(t) - x_0) \Big) \newline &= x(t)(1 - \frac{\Delta t}{\tau_x}) + \frac{\Delta t}{\tau_x}x_0 \end{align*} $$

function hh()
    # Maximual conductances for K, Na, R.
    gmax = [36, 120, 0.3]

    # Battery voltages, equilibrium potentials
    E = [-12, 115, 10.613]
    # I_ext is the external current; 
    # x holds the n, m, h variables (conductances of 
    # the different ion channels). 
    I_ext = 0; V = -10; x = [0, 0, 1];
    dt = 0.01
    x_plot = []; y_plot = [];

    for t in range(-30, 250, step=dt)
        # Turn external current on or off according to time.
        if t == 10  I_ext = 10 end
        if t == 200 I_ext = 0 end

        # Alpha functions 
        α₁ = (10 - V)/(100 * (exp((10 - V)/10) - 1))
        α₂ = (25 - V) / (10 * (exp((25-V)/10) - 1)) 
        α₃ = 0.07 * exp(-V/20)
        α = [α₁, α₂, α₃]

        # Beta functions
        β₁ = 0.125 * exp(-V/80)
        β₂ = 4 * exp(-V/18)
        β₃ = 1 / (exp((30 - V)/10) + 1)
        β = [β₁, β₂, β₃]

        # τₓ and x₀
        τₓ = 1 ./ (α + β)
        x₀ = α .* τₓ

        # Leaky integration with Euler method.
        # See formula above.
        x = (1 .- dt ./ τₓ) .* x + dt ./ τₓ .* x₀

        # Compute conductances 
        g = [gmax[1] * x[1]^4, gmax[2] * x[2]^3*x[3], gmax[3]]

        # Ohm's law 
        I = g .* (V .- E)

        # Update voltage (membrane potential) 
        V += dt * (I_ext - sum(I))

        if t >= 0 
            push!(x_plot, t)
            push!(y_plot, V)
    plot(x_plot, y_plot, label="Membrane potential")