Two magical dreams came to me last night. The first was dreadful and dark, the second was sylvan and vernal. Of the first, I am afraid, my recollection is quite poor. $S$ was with me and I had to fight a terribly dark, ghost-like entity that lived in a tumbledown structure of cobblestone, with many levels and rooms, most of them roofless and unprotected from the winds. It was a cloudless night and a treacherous moon was biting its infinite jugular and swallowing every star. $S$ would always be behind me. I would fly and so would the entity. I grieved it with a beam of light that came out of my hand (or was it a wand?) and confidence grew within me, but as we glided under the night it hit me with a spell that caused a tremendous affliction both in my body and my soul. I became frightened and wanted to escape. I felt shame that $S$ would see me wavering and flinching so.

In the second dream I was wandering deep in virgin woods, walking through a watery ravine of pristine beauty, surrounded only by immense and ancient trees and buzzing beehives and emerald pebbles. There was not a single bleakening glade and it seemed the night should never fall in such a place, for all that lived lived for and with and by virtue of the light. I found, however, something bemusing and sad: the corpses of what I then termed "druids". They were not human-like beings but jellyfish-looking, flying green creatures that moved through the air by virtue of their white tentacles and whose orange and yellow umbrellas would swell to a great size to later slowly deflate as breathing sacks of life in an unceasing cycle of inspiration and expiration. These bewildering creatures grew on the trees, hanging from their tentacles with their umbrellas to the floor, leaving the branches to begin their vagrant lives as soon as maturity was reached. In any case, as I walked through the forest I found their corpses, not packed together in a single area, but here and there alone and dismembered from the tribe —if they had tribes at all… I found corpses of another type of druid as well, of similar anatomy but lacking the yellow and white tones of the first, rather green and brown instead, as if the firsts were druids of the sun and the last were of the woods. I remember collecting their bodies, carrying them upon my shoulder, thinking I should take them to my neuroscience professor so that we could bring them back to life through some magical power I was sure he knew or had access to. At one point I found a tumbledown shack in the middle of the woods. My sandals were there and only then I came to realize I had been carrying all these corpses through the unending woods barefooted. The shack door was affected by sun-light, but only a few steps ahead inside the shack there was but darkness. I saw nothing of what was inside. I wanted to enter into the darkness, but I knew it was dangerous and I still had to carry the corpses to my professor, for their sake and the sake of their now lost lives. I put on my sandals and went away, leaving the shack behind me, unentered and undesecrated and undefiled.