
I wish to give the windings of the moon to you
the blunt interrogation of the dawn
mercilessly posed before the soul of men

the streets unwalked the libraries
a page randomly taken—violently taken from a secret book
and mysticism and dew

I desire to offer all that I’ve never possessed
but in what I live ungotten to you

the locust-stricken regions of a tree
the unsuspected darkness of the rose
the never solitary loneliness of me
under a winter-rain someday perhaps maybe

I wish to offer silence
dead and weary silence to you

and that is all I am to offer to you

this is the eternal water of generous cosmologies
the stars reflected clear, as well eternal, in the water
the silence of a dreaming child—these are my offerings to you

this I confess before the night amidst the speeches of the water:
that time the sands of time the cruelty of time I give to you

this I confess before the moon that evil star:
I longingly pursue all that which may evoke you
hidden under a cloak of almost ethereal gloom
as sweet as drizzly childish dawns
only to think of you with unspeakable delight

before you I extend this sort of death
that rises from the heart unto the lips

I seek in every rose the ceasing of the rose
and in a whispering zest
I speak your name I speak
the vicious letters of your earthly name

Here as we timeless lay

here as we timeless lay presume that all is timeless
that each new life is but an instant’s way
and this ungotten child we have prefigured in a dream
already bears the guilt of humankind

yes, in the birth of each new drop of life
await the seeds of all that is unfading

you’ll see as I see now that you have been
a wife to me as you were the wife of Abraham
and that our child awaited in the rose
that some forgotten eyes saw rise and fall amid the snow

Una esmeralda negra?

era obsidiana antigua lo que formaba tu alma?
una esmeralda negra?

vi una vez —fue hace ya tiempo
todavía eran eternos los jazmines—
arenas minerales en tu pecho
rubí entre tus pezones caudalosos
un mar y caracolas con espuma
corales luminosos de tu vientre

eras un monumento del agua y de la tierra
y en cuarzos y cristales
vi tu dios y tu barro originarios

una esmeralda negra?

Volver al agua

soñé con todas las almas

el polvo de muchos siglos
las ensuciaba

amor (yo dije) quisiera
volver al agua
floreciente de tus pechos
volver al agua...!

todas sintieron el eco
de esa plegaria

todas supieron el sueño
que yo soñaba:

volver al agua

Malos ánimos

quisiera ser un hombre simple

quisiera sospechar que todavía
algo de mí no se ha perdido, algo…!

algo que ansiosa de crueldad y noche
ceñiste dentro de una azucena muerta

algo que un tenue gesto de tus manos
hizo desvanecer, o algo…

a todas horas
un huevo lleno de ávidas serpientes
presiente la fractura inevitable

¿lo sientes? en mi carne tenebrosa
la cobra de tu amor ha eclosionado

quisiera ser un hombre más sencillo
o un perro que envejece serenamente triste

entonces nuestro amor no habría perdido
ni un solo sueño y no florecerían
estas escamas negras en mi vida…

no soy un hombre simple, en todo siento
el eco de un milenio anocheciente

e incluso en tu ternura, que es perfecta,
presagio un universo de sospechas
y en bífidos eclipses anochezco…!