This entry provides a succinct overview of what Gödel's completeness theorem is about. My purpose is to write an overview sufficiently simple for a reader with little experience in logic to comprehend. This is not a technical writing: no proofs are given and fundamental concepts (e.g. first order type, first order theory, etc.) are only schematically described. For a more advanced covering of these subjects, visit the Logics document in the Studies section of this site.

Gödel's completeness theorem is a foundational piece of mathematical logic. Mathematical logic concerns itself with the mathematical description of mathematics - it is mathematics describing itself.

Mathematicians prove things. A proof is to the mathematician what a note is to the musician. As the musician combines notes to form chords, and these are in turn organized in harmonic progressions, and from this organization the beauty of music emerges, mathematicians too combine their proofs, use them to derive new ones, and from these workings of the mind truth, or at least a glimpse of it, arises. But what is a proof?

The question "what is a proof?" has many possible answers. But everything is a nail in the eyes of a hammer, and thus the mathematician, in almost primitive and brute fashion, attempts to answer it mathematically. He searches for a mathematical description of a proof, one mathematical enough so that we may in turn prove things about it.

The first to formalize the concept of a proof in respectable fashion was Frege. Any formalization, as Frege noted, had to provide a system of rules which accurately captured all reasonable rules of deduction (e.g. modus ponens, reductio ad absurdum, etc.). All systems of rules developed after Frege where either refinements of his system or entirely equivalent to it, so it is safe to say Frege's formalization of what a proof was is still the one accepted by all mathematicians.

One of the most widely known models of proof is natural deduction, developed by Gentzen1. Natural deduction is a rigorous proof system, with rules so clear that a computer could verify. Given axioms $\varphi_1, \ldots, \varphi_n$, natural deduction systematizes the operations which our intuitive understanding of deduction considers valid to perform with these axioms. It is equivalent to Frege's system, but somewhat more formal. Natural deduction is nice because it allows proofs to be written as trees, which suggests at least intuitively two mathematical facts which I cannot discuse in detail here: namely, that any proof is a lattice, and that propositional sentences conform an interesting Boolean algebra.

It should be emphasized that a proof system, insofar as it provides only rules to manipulate symbols, conforms a syntax. In a sense, if we were to define a language $\mathcal{L}$ with the usual logical symbols ($\land, \lor, \forall, \neg$, etc.), with its words satisfying the syntax of logics (e.g. $\varphi \land \phi$ is in $\mathcal{L}$, but $\varphi \land$ is not), a proof system could be considered as a function $f : \mathcal{L}^+ \to \mathcal{L}^+$ - this is, a mapping from valid logical sentences to other valid logical sentences. There is no such thing as meaning and not a glimpse of truth values. Only grammar.

In particular, in the mathematician's daily life, the alphabet of logic is complemented with other symbols which describe constants, functions and relations. These symbols are dependent of an interpretation: the letter $\pi$ may refer to the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, but it could also be used to define a function $\pi : A \to B$, or whatever else we wanted. The symbols which complement those of logic in a particular context are provided in what is termed a first order type.

A first order type $\tau$ contains three sets of symbols: constants, functions and relations, and each of the symbols in these sets possesses some arity. First order types, in combination with logical sentences and symbols in $\mathcal{L}$, provide a complete alphabet and syntax for the generation of sentences which can be interpreted mathematically.

Example. Assume the set of constants in $\tau$ is $\{ a, aa, aaa, aaaa, \ldots \}$, the set of relationships is $\{ \leq \}$, and the other sets are empty. Assume the arity of $\leq$ is $2$. Then we could produce the $\tau$-dependent sentence "$aa \leq aaa \land \varphi \neq \phi$".

Providing a powerful enough grammar so as to produce the language of mathematics, however, is not enough. It is necessary to study the truth value of sentences produced with that grammar. It was Tarski who provided a complete description of how to specify, in formal fashion, the semantics of the language of mathematics. In particular, the symbols in a first order type $\tau$ are imbued with meaning through what is called a model. A model of $\tau$ is made up of a set (e.g. $\mathbb{R}$) and an interpretation of each symbol in $\tau$.

Example. Assume the set of constants in $\tau$ is $\{ a, aa, aaa, aaaa, \ldots \}$, the set of relationships is $\{ \leq \}$, and the other sets are empty. Assume the arity of $\leq$ is $2$. Then a model with set $A = \mathbb{N}$ that interprets $\overbrace{a \ldots a}^{n \text{ times}}$ as $n$, and that interprets $\leq$ as $\{ (a, b) : a \mid b \}$, essentially corresponds to the poset $(\mathbb{N}, \mid)$.

Given a model, a rigorous definition is given of what is meant when we say a sentence $\varphi$ is true or false. Sentences usually contain variable names, and thus their truth value does not depend only on how we interpret the symbols in $\varphi$ (i.e. on the model), but also on what values we assign to the variables. I will not discuss how the assignment of values to variables works: it suffices to say that Tarski provided a rigorous and non-ambiguous way to declare "$\varphi$ is true/false when the variables $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ take on the values $a_1, \ldots, a_n$, under the interpretation given by model $M$ of the symbols in $\varphi$".

With syntax and semantics at hand, logicians were ready to tackle what they (rightly) deemed to be the fundamental problem of mathematics. Namely, given a set of axioms, how can we provide a mathematical characterization of the system that is derived from those axioms? We thus arrive arrive at the concept of a theory.

A theory is a set of general sentences depending on a first order type $\tau$. By general I mean that these sentences do not contain the name of constants. The sentences in a theory are pure in the sense that, under whatever model of $\tau$, they will never speak of specific elements, but will make general statements about what is true or false.

Example. Assume the set of constants in $\tau$ is $\{ a, aa, aaa, aaaa, \ldots \}$, the set of relationships is $\{ \leq \}$, and the other sets are empty. Assume the arity of $\leq$ is $2$. Then a theory would never contain a sentence of the form $aa \leq aaa$, because that speaks of particular elements, but it could contain a sentence of the form: $\forall x, y: (x \leq y \land y \leq x) \implies x = y$.

We will use $(\Sigma, \tau)$ to refer to a theory whose axioms (sentences) are in the set $\Sigma$ and whose formulas use symbols given by the first order type $\tau$.

The characterization of a theory, along with syntactic and semantic devices, allows us to specify two different kinds of entailments. If a proof system allows us to deduce $\varphi$ from the statements in a theory $(\Sigma, \tau)$, we say $(\Sigma, \tau) \vdash \varphi$. Recall that proof systems are entirely syntactic: $(\Sigma, \tau) \vdash \varphi$ equates to saying "the grammar of our proof system (whatever it may be) allows us to derive $\varphi$ from the symbols in $\Sigma$". On the other hand, if under all possible models (interpretations) of a first order type, the truth of the axioms in $\Sigma$ entails the truth of $\varphi$, we write $(\Sigma, \tau) \vDash \varphi$. This is a semantic entailment: we are not speaking of symbol manipulation, but about truth evaluation. We are saying: "under any interpretation (semantics) of the symbols of our language, $\varphi$ is true if the axioms in $\Sigma$ are true".

To get a sense of how general the question which Gödel's theorem answers is, consider first this analogue question, more philosophical in nature. Assume there is something in the world that is true - take this to be as simple a truth as you want. Does it follow, from the fact that it is true, that you can express it in your language? In other words, can our language express everything that is true, or are there truths out there that are ineffable? (Gödel answers the reverse of this question too: namely, if something can be expressed in our language, does it follow that it is true? But this question lacks philosophical interest, since the statement is obviously false.)

Let us now consider the mathematical version of this question, which is the one which Gödel answered. Assuming we have some theory $(\Sigma, \tau)$, along with a system of proof, can be we sure that everything that is true can be deduced from our rules? In other words, if something is true, can we guarantee that we can prove it, where "prove it" has a rigorous and systematic definition under a system of proof? The question is important because it is conceivable that, given a system of proof such as natural deduction, tomorrow, or in a century, a mathematician may think of a clever deduction rule which our system does not incorporate. Such rule could potentially allow us to prove new things, things that are true but we could not prove before. Or even worse, it is conceivable that our system of proof effectively captures all reasonable deduction rules, and yet still there are true things which it cannot prove - suggesting there is an inherent limit to logical deduction itself.

What Gödel proved is that these imaginations, though conceivable, are not the case. The theorem states, in a short and brief line, that whatever is true under a theory can be proven through a system of proof. In other words, that

$$ (\Sigma, \tau) \vDash \varphi \implies (\Sigma, \tau) \vdash \varphi $$

His correctness theorem proved the inverse relation:

$$ (\Sigma, \tau) \vdash \varphi \implies (\Sigma, \tau) \vDash \varphi $$

meaning that, if a proposition is deduced from our system of proof, then such proposition is true (i.e. the system of deduction is correct). These theorems hold for any theory $(\Sigma, \tau)$ and any logical sentence $\varphi$. The theorems thus ensures a tight association between the semantics and the syntax of first order logic, assuring us that whatever is semantically true under a theory is provable under such theory.

Gödel's famous incompleteness theorem proved that, when we move beyond first order logic and incorporate arithmetic to the question - i.e. when we start to talk about the natural numbers instead of just logical formulas - then our systems become incomplete. In other words, there are statements about the natural numbers which are semantically true, but which cannot be proven. This paradoxical result demolished the logicist program initiated by Frege and forwarded by Russell, Whitehead, Peano, and such. But this result is beyond the scope of this entry.

  1. Gentzen's heart did not raise to the status of his mind: he was a Nazi and died in a prison camp after being detained during the Prague uprising.