Assume we have access to an encryption scheme which, given an input $\beta$, encrypts $\alpha \beta \gamma$, where $\alpha, \gamma$ are unknown. Our task is to decrypt the content of $\gamma$. Assume that we know that the length of $\alpha$ is of at most 16-bytes.
If we knew the exact length $\ell$ of $\alpha$, then producing an input of length $31 - \ell$ would make the scheme encrypt
$$ \alpha_1 \ldots \alpha_{\ell} \beta_1 \ldots \beta_{31 - \ell} \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \ldots $$
where the second 16-byte block has as final byte $\gamma_1$. This would allow us to easily decrypt $\gamma_1$, with in turn would allow us to decrypt $\gamma_2$, and so on. So the question becomes how can we determine the length of $\alpha$.
Fortunately for us, this is quite simple. Simply let $\beta$ be an arbitrary string of 16-bytes. If the length of $\alpha$ is zero, then the encryption scheme would encrypt $\beta_1 \ldots \beta_{16} \gamma_1 \ldots \gamma_{16} \gamma_{17} \ldots$. This means for any pair of 16-byte strings $\beta_1, \beta_2$, the encryption of the first block would differ, but that of the second block would remain the same.
If the length of $\alpha$ is 1, then choosing two 15-byte strings $\beta_1, \beta_2$ would again ensure that the encryption of the first block differs, but that of the second block remains the same. This generalizes: if $|\alpha| = k$, then for any pair $\beta_1, \beta_2$ of length $16 - k$, we have:
- The encryption with input $\beta_1, \beta_2$ produces the same second block but different first blocks.
- The encryption with input $\beta_1', \beta_2'$ strings of length superior to $16 - k$ produces different first blocks and different second blocks.
Thus, it is quite easy to deduce $|alpha|$ with a for loop, given in pseudo-code below.
for i := 16; i >= 0; i-- {
aWord, bWord := repeat("A", 16 - i), repeat("B", 16 - i)
aEncryption, bEncryption = encryption(aWord), encryption(bWord)
if firstBlock(aEncryption) != firstBlock(bEncryption) && secBlock(aEncryption) == secBlock(bEncryption){
return 16 - i
Having deduced the size of $\alpha$, we proceed with a byte-to-byte attack to decrypt $\gamma$. The attack is simple: first, produce an input which ensures that the last byte of the second block is the first (unknown) byte of $\gamma$. This is easy to do knowing the length of $\alpha$. Thus, the second block is the encryption $\beta'\gamma_1$ where $\beta'$ is of length 15-bytes and is a tail of $\beta$. Then, encrypt with input $\beta'x$ iterating $x$ over all possible bytes, until a byte matches the previous encryption. Such byte is $\gamma_1$.
The process is repeated: give an input $\beta'$ of length $15-bytes$, ensure the last two encrypted bytes are $\gamma_1 \gamma_2$. Since $\gamma_1$ is known, encrypt with $\alpha'\gamma_1 x$, looping $x$ across all possible bytes until a match is found. This repeats until the first block of $\gamma$ is known.
Importantly, when we compare the encryptions with input $\beta'$ and $\beta' x$ (with $x$ a variable), we do not compare the whole encryption but only the block upon which we are working. Since the first block of the encryption corresponds to $\alpha$ (plus the head of $\beta$), it is the second block of the encryption the one that corresponds to the first block of $\gamma$. Inductively, it is the $k+1$th block of the encryption the one that corresponds to the $k$th block of $\gamma$.
With some simple omissions, this is some code in Golang which makes the decryption effective.
func 𝒪(plaintext []byte) ([]byte, error){
b64string := readFile("appendingString.txt")
α, e := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(b64string)
if e != nil{
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error decoding the appending string.")
m := append(plaintext, α...)
m = append(RAN_PRE, m...)
encryption, e := encryptAES128ECB(m, KEY)
if e != nil{
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error encrypting plaintext || appending string")
return encryption, nil
func inferPreppendSize() (int, error){
for k := 16; k >= 0; k--{
α := []byte( strings.Repeat("A", k) )
β := []byte( strings.Repeat("X", k) )
αEncryption, αe := 𝒪(α)
βEncryption, βe := 𝒪(β)
if αe != nil || βe != nil {break}
differentFirstBlocks := !testSliceEq( getBlock(αEncryption, 0), getBlock(βEncryption, 1) )
equalSecondBlocks := testSliceEq( getBlock(αEncryption, 1), getBlock(βEncryption, 1) )
if differentFirstBlocks && equalSecondBlocks{
return 16 - k, nil
return -1, fmt.Errorf("Failed to infer preppended byte stream size.")
func inferAppendSize() (int, error){
E, e1 := 𝒪([]byte(""))
k, e2 := inferPreppendSize()
if e1 != nil || e2 != nil {return -1, fmt.Errorf("Error inferring append size")}
return len(E) - k, nil
func decrypt() ([]byte, error){
var decryption []byte
preppendSize, e1:= inferPreppendSize() // α is the preppend string
appendSize, e2 := inferAppendSize() // β is the appended string
if e1 != nil || e2 != nil {return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error finding preppendSize")}
for i := 0; i < appendSize; i++ {
inputLength := 31 - preppendSize - i%16
α := []byte( strings.Repeat("A", inputLength) )
encryption, err := 𝒪(α) // 𝒪 is the encryption scheme.
if err != nil{
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error in 𝒪-encryption.")
// Get the block which contains the γ-byte we are decrypting.
// Second block for i in [0, 15], third block for i in [16, 31], etc. (Recall: first block will have α and some β)
blockIndex := i / 16 + 1
block := getBlock(encryption, blockIndex)
hexEncryption := hex.EncodeToString(block)
// Append to the input string the bytes of γ we have already decyphered.
head := append(α, decryption...)
// Find the byte which, appended to `head`, gives an `_encryption` matching `encryption`.
for b := 0; b < 256; b++ {
b := byte(b)
_encryption , err := 𝒪(append(head, b))
if err != nil{
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error in 𝒪-encryption.")
_block := getBlock(_encryption, blockIndex)
_hexEncryption := hex.EncodeToString(_block)
if hexEncryption == _hexEncryption {
decryption = append(decryption, b)
return decryption, nil