Writing a shell is an excellent way to learn about syscalls, standard
input/output streams, and recursive parsing of bytestreams. The shell explained
in this entry provides limited functionality. It is capable of program
execution, sequenced command execution, and piping. The most interesting aspect
of the shell is the handling of the pipe
and fork
syscalls within a
recursive scheme (binary trees).
To program a shell, we need to wait for user input through stdin
and, once
said input is given, parse it accordingly. For simplicity, we will only allow
two types of commands in our shell: simple executable commands, which we term
, and pipe commands, which we term pipecmd
The "waiting" algorithm is simple to write and will function as the main procedure in our shell.
void shell(){
char* cmd;
printf("MyBash : ");
while (1){
cmd = read_stdin(); // This function waits for stdin
if ( cmd == NULL ) {
printf("Error reading cmd");
The read_stdin()
function is simple:
char* read_stdin(void) {
char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buf_size = 0;
ssize_t len;
len = getline(&buffer, &buf_size, stdin); // Read a line from stdin
if (len == -1) { // Handle EOF or error
printf("Reached EOF or read error\n");
return NULL;
return buffer; // The caller is responsible for freeing `buffer`
The ssize_t getline(char **restrict lineptr, size_t *restrict n, FILE *restrict stream)
function reads entire lines from stream
and stores
them in lineptr
. In our case, it will read from stdin
and allocate in
. Since buffer
is set to NULL
before the call to getline
, the
latter function will iteslf malloc
the necessary memory.
The tree_parse()
function used in shell()
is a bit more complex and we will
discuss it later. For the moment, suffice it to say it is in charge of
interpreting the input buffer as a binary tree and deciding what and how to
Command types
The instruction inputted by the user can be simple or composite. A simple
instruction is a program name followed by arguments or flags, like ls
, ls -l
, or
cat filename
. A composite instruction is a set of instructions joint by one or
more of the following operators: the pipeline operator |
and the semicolon
operator ;
If two commands are joint by the pipe operator, the output of the first command must serve as input for the second. If two commands are joined by the semicolon operator, the first command must be executed and, once it terminates, the second command must be executed.
The operator |
has precedence over ;
, which means an
instruction like
simple_command_1 | simple_command_2 ; simple_command_3
must first deal with the execution of simple_command_1 | simple_command 2
then execute simple_command_3
. This should be sufficient to suggest a tree
representation of the command line arguments. For instance,
cmd_1 | cmd_2 ; cmd_3
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
cmd_1 | cmd_2 cmd_3
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
cmd_1 cmd_2
Execution can then be recursively computed from the leaves (the simple commands)
upwards, with precedence of left-hand branches before right-hand ones. Of
course, the parent of each pair of nodes specifies the rule which is to be
followed in the execution of the nodes. For instance, when two nodes are
parented by a pipeline command, the output of the first must serve as input for
the second, and correspondingly when the parent is a ;
-separated command.
To make such tree representation effective, we will specify the following abstract data types.
#ifndef CMDS_H
#define CMDS_H
#define ABSTRACT -1
#define EXEC 0
#define YUX 1 // Yuxtaposed commands: ";" operator.
#define PIPE 2
#define MAX_ARGS 10
typedef unsigned int cmd_type;
struct pipecmd {
cmd_type type;
struct execcmd *left;
char *right;
struct execcmd {
cmd_type type;
unsigned int n_args;
char* argv[MAX_ARGS + 1];
struct execcmd *init_exec_cmd();
struct pipecmd *init_pipe_cmd();
cmd_type parse_abstract_cmd(char* buff);
#endif // CMDS_H
Here, execcmd
s represent the simplest type of command: a program name
) plus flags argv[1], argv[2], ...
. pipecmd
s, on another hand,
contain an executable command to the left and simply a bytestream to the right.
In the parsing of any pipe, the left side is always a program whose output must serve as input to the right-hand program, but the right-hand program itself could be a simple command or could be another pipe (e.g.
cmd_1 | cmd_2 | cmd_3
). For that reason, theright
field of apipecmd
is not predefined as any type of command: it is a bytestream that must be parsed and dealt with according to its content.
Since the execution of commands separated by a
semi-colon ;
is as simple as executing them in linear order, we don't really
need to specify an abstract representation of them: we'll parse them linearly
from the stdin
stream. However, we could in principle program a new cmd
type with left
and right
fields corresponding to ;
-separated commands.
1: Execution, forking and the pipe syscall
I assume the reader is familiarized with the fundamental fork()
syscall, one
of the strangest and prettiest of its lot. Thus, I will provide the function
which executes an execcmd
without much explanation:
int execute_cmd(struct execcmd *cmd){
char* program = (cmd -> argv)[0];
if (program == NULL) exit(0);
if ( strcmp(program, "exit") == 0 ) exit(1);
int status;
pid_t pid = fork();
if ( pid == 0 ){
if ( execvp(program, cmd->argv) == -1 ){
printf("Failed to execute...\n");
}else if ( pid < 0 ){
printf("Failed to fork...\n");
waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED);
while (!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status));
return 1;
More interesting is the recursive execution of piped commands. As pointed out
earlier, the left child of a pipecmd
node is an execcmd
, but the right
child is a char *
bytestream. This allows us to decompose chained pipes like
cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 | cmd4 | ...
cmd_1 | cmd_2 | cmd_3 (pipecmd)
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
cmd_1 (execcmd) "cmd_2 |cmd_3" (bytestream)
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
cmd_2 (execcmd) cmd_3 (execcmd)
The representation above gives an example of what the execution of a pipecmd
looks like. First, the left-hand execcmd
is executed and its result is written
on standard input via the pipe()
syscall. Then, the right-hand byte stream
is parsed into a pipecmd
itself, which once again produces a call to execute
its left-hand side as an execcmd
. The result of this execution is once again
written on stdin
. Lastly, since the right-hand leaf contains no piping
operator, it is interpreted as an execcmd
and executed, with its output not
being redirected.
The code for this recursive execution must use the pipe()
syscall. The
syscall is quite interesting: it stores in an int pipefds[2]
the file descriptors of the read (pipefds[0]
) and write (pipefds[1]
) ends of
a kernel-level buffer. This buffer, which is the pipe
in question,
serves as a unidirectional communication channel between two processes, where
process $B$ can read what process $A$ has written on it.
The basic logic of piping two commands cmd_1 | cmd_2
is this: create a
and fork()
the process, call some exec
syscall for cmd_1
in the
child process reading from standard input and redirecting its output to the
write end of the pipe. Thus, the kernel buffer referred to by the pipe will
contain the result of cmd_1
. Once the child process terminates, fork()
to exec
the cmd_2
command, but redirect stdin
to the read end of the pipe.
Thus, cmd_2
will receive its input from the output of cmd_1
The logic above is simple but I made some abstractions. Firstly, one must make
sure to close()
the read/write ends of the pipe once their use is done.
Secondly, since stdin
is redirected, one must restore it to its original value
once the process above is completed. The code that makes use of this logic in
our recursive scheme is below.
int execute_pipeline(struct pipecmd *pipe_cmd){
int pipefds[2];
int pipe_code = pipe(pipefds);
int status;
int original_stdin = dup(STDIN_FILENO); // dup stdin to lowest available file descriptor
char* left_pipe_program = ( pipe_cmd -> left ) -> argv[0];
char* right_pipe_buffer = pipe_cmd -> right;
if (left_pipe_program == NULL || right_pipe_buffer == NULL) exit (1);
cmd_type right_pipe_type = parse_abstract_cmd(right_pipe_buffer);
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) exit(0);
if (pid == 0){// Child, execute left hand side and write output to write end of pipe.
dup2(pipefds[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
if ( execvp(left_pipe_program, (pipe_cmd -> left)->argv) == -1 ){
printf("Failed to execute...\n");
// Parent: wait for child termination, then check if the node is another pipe or not.
// If it is, make a recursive call; if it's not, execute it.
dup2(pipefds[0], STDIN_FILENO);
waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED);
if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
printf("Child process exited with status %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
} else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
printf("Child process terminated by signal %d\n", WTERMSIG(status));
// Base case of recursion
if (right_pipe_type == EXEC){
struct execcmd *right_cmd = parse_exec_cmd(right_pipe_buffer);
// The second `fork()` call is done within `execute_cmd()`.
// Recursive case
struct pipecmd *right_pipe = parse_pipe_cmd(right_pipe_buffer);
dup2(original_stdin, STDIN_FILENO); // restore stdin to original
return 1;
Thus, given execcmd
or pipecmd
struct pointers, we already have functions
capable of executing the instructions associated to these data types. All that's
left is to write the parsing end of the shell, i.e. the procedures that will
read standard input, determine what kind of commands are there, initialize the
or pipecmd
structs accordingly in a binary tree representation, and
recursively call their execution.
2: Parsing
We will define a few simple functions here. This functions are rather straightforward and should be easy to comprehend with a careful read assisted by the comments.
// Determines the type of a command buffer.
cmd_type parse_abstract_cmd(char* buff){
bool is_pipe = false;
for (int i = 0; buff[i] != '\0'; i++){
if ( buff[i] == ';' ){
return YUX;
if ( buff[i] == '|' && !is_pipe){
is_pipe = true;
if (is_pipe) return PIPE;
return EXEC;
// Tokenize a buffer splitting it into space-separated tokens
// and initialize an execcmd struct pointer.
struct execcmd * parse_exec_cmd(char* buffer){
struct execcmd *cmd = init_exec_cmd();
char *cur_token = strtok(buffer, " ");
while (cur_token != NULL){
if (( cmd -> n_args ) > MAX_ARGS){
printf("Exceeded maximum number of tokens\n");
(cmd -> argv)[cmd->n_args] = cur_token;
(cmd -> n_args)++;
cur_token = strtok(NULL, " ");
//for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cmd -> n_args + 1; i++){
// printf("Argument %d : %s\n", i, (cmd->argv)[i]);
return cmd;
// Parse a buffer with yuxtaposed commands, i.e. commands separated by a
// semicolon. This function comprises the recursive call of `tree_parse`.
void parse_yux_cmd(char *buff){
int i = 0;
while (buff[i] != '\0'){
if (buff[i] == ';'){
// We use pointer arithmetic: ';' is separated by '\0' and two new
// pointers to the same memory block `buff` are given: one pointing at the
// beginning of the block, one pointing exactly after '\0'.
buff[i] = '\0';
char * node_left = buff;
char * node_right = buff + i + 1;
// Parse the command buffer of a piped command, initializing a
// pipecmd struct pointer.
struct pipecmd *parse_pipe_cmd(char *buff){
struct pipecmd *pcmd = init_pipe_cmd();
for (int i = 0; buff[i] != '\0'; i++){
if (buff[i] == '|'){
buff[i] = '\0';
pcmd -> left = parse_exec_cmd(buff);
pcmd -> right = buff + i + 1;
return pcmd;
Let us construct the parser which effectively makes the tree representation of
the stdin
// Recursive parsing of stdin into tree representation.
void tree_parse(char *buff){
// Just making sure bytestream terminates in null-terminating stream.
int l = strlen (buff);
if (l > 0 && buff [l - 1] == '\n') buff [l - 1] = '\0';
// Detect the type of the command in the stream.
cmd_type t = parse_abstract_cmd(buff);
// Recursive case 1:
if (t == YUX){
// Calls tree_parse recursively on each node:
// this is a recursive call!
// Recursive case 2:
// If the stream is a pipe, execute it using the recursive tree representation of
// pipe commands. This effectively expands the tree for the case of pipes.
if (t == PIPE){
struct pipecmd *execution_cmd = parse_pipe_cmd(buff);
printf("My Bash: ");
// Base case:
// If the stream is a simple command, simply execute it.
struct execcmd *execution_cmd = parse_exec_cmd(buff);
// struct pipecmd *execution_cmd = parse_pipe_cmd(buff);
printf("My Bash: ");
Testing the shell
This is the result of running ls; ls | wc -l; ls | wc -l | factor
My Bash: ls; ls | wc -l; ls | wc -l | factor
'~' cmds.h executer.h notes.txt parser.h shell.c
cmds.c executer.c mybash parser.c read_cmd
My Bash: Child process exited with status 0
My Bash: Child process exited with status 0
Child process exited with status 0
11: 11
We see that MyBash
effectivle calls ls
, printing my files; then it calls ls | wc -l
, outputting 11
, and then it executes ls | wc -l | factor
, which
indeed displays all factors of 11
(this is, 11: 11
, only itself).